Online Help
Observe the 3D scene from different camera viewpoints.
The angle will be adjusted according to how you move in the 3D scene.
Free Camera- move freely about | |
Person Camera - view from pedestrian level at a fixed viewing height | |
Satellite Camera - Observe the scene from above with a fixed viewing angle | |
Reset return to original camera position |
Navigation in the 3D View
Turn | |
Zoom | |
Move and Turn | |
W/S | Zoom |
A/D | move sideways |
B ↑ | Page ↑: upward movement |
B ↓ | Page ↓: downward movement |
C | Pan the camera to selection |
Spacebar | hold down to look around with your mouse |
Notice for Mac Users
It is also possible to activate the right mouse button.
Go to System Setting > Mouse > Display and Click and check the box marked Secondary Click and choose the appropriate for right-handed or left-handed users. For all actions performed with the right mouse button, roomeon software provides alternatives for Mac Users. More information can be found in the Help section.